No. 3: Variations
“For his third solo exhibition at Et. al., etc., Anthony Discenza refracts his practice through an interpretive prism, presenting three ‘separate’ exhibitions—each of which is composed of the same collection of works.”
Read/download all three press releases here.
Installation view
Installation view
Come, Now a Roundel and a Fairy Song, 2019. Ultrasonic plug-in pest control devices. Dimensions variable.
Chamber Music, 2019. Ultrasonic plug-in pest control devices. Dimensions variable.
Un'opera che non può essere percepita ma che è intollerabile (A work that cannot be perceived but which is intolerable), 2019. Ultrasonic plug-in pest control devices.
Dimensions variable.
Composition in Red and Blue, 2016. Flat-panel television, Webdriver Torso YouTube channel
YouTube Play-Through #1: Webdriver Torso. 2019. Flat-panel television, Webdriver Torso YouTube channel
Un'opera prodotta da una macchina, per l'utilizzo di altre macchine (A work produced by a machine, for the use of other machines), 2019. Flat-panel television, Webdriver Torso YouTube channel
Economies, 1996. Stack of weekly coupon flyers from local grocery chain, replenished weekly. Dimensions variable.
Takeaway, 2019. Stack of weekly coupon flyers from local grocery chain, replenished weekly. Dimensions variable.
Un'opera fatta per tutti, per tutti/Un'opera della quale chiunque può fare buon uso (A work made for anyone, for everyone/A work that anyone can put to good use), 2019. Stack of weekly coupon flyers from local grocery chain, replenished weekly. Dimensions variable.
The Heat Death of the Universe and Other Stories, 2007. One gallon containers of various liquid products. Dimension variable.
A Series of One Gallon Containers of Various Products, 2019. One gallon containers of various liquid products. Dimensions variable.
Un'opera intrisa dei luridi colori dell'arcobaleno di un mondo inquinato (A work imbued with the lurid rainbow colors of a polluted world), 2019. One gallon containers of various liquid products. Dimensions variable.
Installation view
Installation view
Study for an Activity, 2010. Simulaids® Trauma Moulage kit. Dimensions variable.
The Contents of a Kit Arranged in Preparation for Use, 2019. Simulaids® Trauma Moulage kit. Dimensions variable.
Un insieme di oggetti disposti in preparazione all'indicibile (A set of objects arranged in preparation for the unspeakable), 2019. Simulaids® Trauma Moulage kit.
Dimensions variable.
Installation view
Afterwards, 1998. Digital countdown clock, duration of exhibition. Dimensions and duration variable.
The Time Remaining Until the End of this Exhibition, 2019. Digital countdown clock, duration of exhibition. Dimensions and duration variable.
Un'opera prodotta al di fuori del tempo evanescente (A work that is made out of [vanishing] time), 2019. Digital countdown clock, duration of exhibition
Dimensions and duration variable.
Boundary Anomaly, 2002. Iridium oxide, spackle. Dimensions variable.
20 Grams of Iridium Oxide Mixed into Spackle and Applied to a One Centimeter Channel Cut along the Circumference of the Exhibition Space, 2019. Iridium oxide, spackle. Dimensions variable.
Un'opera che invoca una scala temporale geologica in modo da produrre un senso di sgomento (A work that invokes a geologic time scale in such a manner as to produce a sense of dread), 2019. Iridium powder, spackle. Dimensions variable.
Transitions, 2019. Signal Protect Silver RF/IR shielding film. Dimensions variable.
Window Treatment, 2019. Signal Protect Silver RF/IR shielding film. Dimensions variable.
Un'opera che funge da protezione contro le forze dell'invisibile (A Work that Serves as Protection Against the Forces of the Unseen), 2019. Signal Protect Silver RF/IR shielding film. Dimensions variable.